5 Things to Look for in a Ballroom Dance Studio

Learning how to dance is fun and, with the right teacher, easy. With that in mind, here are 5 things to look for as you choose the ballroom dance studio that’s right for you.

Why choose a ballroom dance studio?

To begin with, you can study dance in a number of different ways.  For example, online lessons or a series of group classes are readily available.  Although, in choosing them, you’ll miss the advantages of studying in a ballroom dance studio.

To be specific, most studios use the 3-way method of teaching.  That is, they use a combination of private lessons, group classes, and dance parties.  Each of these 3 methods has a specific job to do.

  1. Private lessons focus on your individual abilities.
  2. Group classes allow you to learn steps with lots of repetition.
  3. Dance parties will have you practicing with a variety of partners.

Consequently, if you choose a ballroom dance studio, you’ll receive a well-balanced dance education.  Here’s a post that explains why people join clubs and group activities.

5 important things to look for in a ballroom dance studio.

1. Friendly people.

You can feel it as soon as you walk into the studio.  It seems there’s a welcoming atmosphere where the staff and other students are happy to see you.  In fact, it’s a little like Cheers, “where everybody knows your name…and they’re always glad you came.”  

2. Sincerity.

Do you feel the staff is attentive in a respectful way?  Luckily, most instructors truly care about their students’ needs and desires.  In addition, they make sure new people are introduced to other staff and students.  Equally important, it shows a polite and friendly studio culture.

3. Smiles.

Do you get a sense of fun, humor, and camaraderie?  Remember, learning to dance has to be enjoyable.  Yes, you’re taking lessons and learning, but this is entertainment and stress relief for you.  Above all, choose a ballroom dance studio where you hear lots of laughter and you’ll be in the right place.

choose a ballroom dance studio that is fun

4. Alive with the sound of music.

What is dancing without music?  A quiet dance studio is a no-no.  We’re talking about moving to music here, so let’s make some noise!  To be specific, we need a beat because we like to, you know, “move it, move it“.

choose a ballroom dance studio where 'everybody knows your name'

5. Easy to get to.

The studio’s location and hours of instruction must be convenient.   No doubt, if it’s not, your attendance will be spotty and your progress will be slow.  And, making steady progress is what keeps you coming back for more.

What about the teachers?

A good ballroom dance studio will be a busy place with lots of activity.  Most importantly, it’ll be filled with music and professional instructors.   Of course, they’ll be busy sharing their love of ballroom dancing.

These skillful coaches will guide you at your own pace, neither going too fast nor holding you back.  When you follow their program, it’s guaranteed that you’ll see and feel progress.

It’s important to note that you may not need or even want the most experienced instructor.

We all had to start somewhere and a newer teacher may be just the right one for you.  As a matter of fact, a new instructor will be excited and thrilled about the opportunity to work with you.  To be sure, the right teacher makes all the difference in the world.

Take a look at a few ways to try out different studios. Read the Dance Safari post, “How to Check Out a Ballroom Dance Studio.”

good Dance Safari Dancing Through Life's Journey
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